About FSC
The FSC Global is here to highlight God's creative vision for our lives absent of judgement and destructive tradition. We're here to make Jesus famous in your life by changing the we see things like faith, love, church and humanity. We're a community of believers from various backgrounds, creeds, habits and traditions. We seek to share the love and vision of Jesus as creatively as possible while not changing His message.We care for your spiritual development, your mental development, your physical development, as well as your financial development. As your digital pitstop, it is your choice to join in with us and you are always welcome.
You’re invited to join the journey with us. Feel free to bring your skepticisms, questions, doubts, fears, failures, and struggles. You are welcomed exactly as you are!
You can text FSCGlobal to (770) 824-8551 to stay updated on upcoming events. We really look forward to journeying with you.